

"Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." - Florence Scovel Shinn

Intuition is a sudden epiphany, an internal knowing, a glimpse or vision of a deep inner truth , a sensation that runs through our body telling us that something is or isn’t right even though our mind or rationale may suggest otherwise.

Intuition is a sixth sense. It is an experience and a deep knowing that transcends our five senses and informs us of the many energetic realms that exist and affect us at all times.

Our intuition is our most accurate inner radar system. It continually scans our inner and outer environments, sending back messages that inform us of that which simultaneously takes place on ALL levels of our consciousness. It is that part of us that can instantly make sense of the billions of informational bits that continually flow within us and all around us. It filters this information and relays back to us the core essence of the energetic dynamics at play in any given situation.

As human beings, we are blessed to be wired with this potent 'inner software' that is able to scan, assess, make sense of, and ultimately extract the 'bottom line' of any situation, issue or dynamic we may be facing!

Most of us are walking around with this potent and highly valuable piece of 'software' already intact, yet we often have no clue how to use it!

Can you imagine walking through life with the ability, skills and tools to instantly tap into a limitless source of guidance and wisdom?
Can you imagine having the answers to your most perplexing questions already within you and receiving clarity and direction about any issue or situation you may be grappling with?

In my own life, I have found that cultivating a strong and consistent relationship with my intuition has allowed me to take greater risks, live more fully and stay centered amidst the ebb and flow of my life's journey! I have a profound knowing that my inner guidance is always informing me of my current bearings as they relate to my highest intentions and aspirations and accurately sends me corrective feedback when I stray off course or 'betray' the integrity of my heart.

There is no limit to the clarity and guidance that is available to each and every one of us! When we learn to tap our inner guidance, we no longer need to second guess ourselves and what we already know at our deepest core - we no longer need to look outside ourselves for the answers we seek. We are able to make decisions based on an accurate guidance system that always has our highest good in mind. Awakening to this experience can be truly transformational and utterly profound.
Wouldn't life be so much easier to navigate if we learned to tap into this limitless source of wisdom whenever we needed it?

Although we are all wired to have access to this potent inner guidance system, we have not all fully cultivated the connection needed to consistently and accurately access this infinite reservoir of wisdom.

This is where the Intuition Heart Cards come in...

I created the Intuition Heart Cards in response to my own deep inquiry about the holographic nature of relationships. I used them as a tool to support me in exploring and healing the inner dynamics that were at play in my life at the time. I was interested in exploring the inner dynamics that were attracting to me the kind of relationships that were not aligned with what I truly wanted to experience in my life.
I knew that in order to create new experiences, ones that were more aligned with my emerging sense of Self, I first needed to become conscious of the subconscious inner dynamics that had navigated my relational experiences up to that point.

In the process, I was awakening to the knowledge that any relationship in my life was encoded with a blueprint that pertained to ALL my relationships. I was awakening to the knowledge that the way I related to various aspects of myself (inner self) was reflected in my relationships with every 'other'. My 'blueprint of relating' received expression in the way I related to my family, my friends, my partnerships, my body, my physical environment, my higher self as well as Infinite Source or God. It permeated every relationship and expressed through every-thing! I realized that when my inner relational blueprint changed, so would my relationships!

The above excerpt was taken from Tal's Intuition Heart Card Guidebook that accompanies the cards. To learn more about the Intuition Heart Cards you can visit http://www.talshai.com/intuition_heart_cards.htm

About the author: Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - www.talshai.com .
Note: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com I invite you to visit my website at www.talshai.com

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