
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Are you familiar with the idiom "God helps those who help themselves"? My own experience has shown me that it holds much truth.

When we begin taking action we create a magnetic field around ourselves that says “I mean 'business' and I am serious about moving forward with my goals and aspirations” . This creates an energetic opening for solutions to 'magically' appear out of no-where, which is simply another way of referring to the quantum field of infinite potentiality, where all possibilities lie.

The universe/spirit/infinite intelligence/God - whatever it is you call the source from which you derive your strength and guidance - MEETS US AT THE POINT OF ACTION.

Action is a potent way of setting an intention in motion.

Don't wait for your fears to go away before you take action.

Feel your fears and take action anyway!

Imagine holding your fears, like a little child, by their hand. Tell them you appreciate and honor them while at the same time let them know that you are the adult and that you will be taking the lead from now on. Like children, our fears may get anxious, cry or throw a tantrum when faced with change or with anything that is unknown, Make that ok by acknowledging their feelings (ie. your anxiety) and then TAKE ACTION in the direction of your heartfelt goals and aspirations.

Sending you many blessings of much joy!


(and do scroll down for more goodies... )

This month I would like to invite you to explore the work of Jonathan Goldman and Eldon Taylor. When it comes to helping you move forward with your own healing and transformation, both have a plethora of knowledge and wisdom to share with you.

HEALING WITH SOUND: Having personally experienced the opening and healing facilitated by sound "therapy", I am delighted to have partnered up with DailyOm.com to introduce to you an online program that will teach you the principles of a method that can help you access levels of your psyche that are not as readily accessible via other, more conventional, routes.

In this 8 week program Jonathan Goldman will take you on a journey into the realm of sound for self-healing and transformation. You’ll receive plenty of information and great techniques, designed to give you profound experiences of the power of sound.

For those of you who are not yet familiar with Jonathan's work, he is considered to be one of the founders of modern sound healing, pioneering the field for more than 25years. He is an award winning musician and writer who has authored over four books and 20 CDs. His work combines the spiritual and scientific aspects of sound as a healing and transformational modality.

I encourage you to find out more about Jonathan Goldman and his work by clicking on the link below:

CHOICES AND ILLUSIONS: Also, my friend Eldon Taylor, whose book Choices and Illusions made the International and New York Times best selling book list , has generously put together a special offer with valuable bonus gifts!

With every book that is sold, Eldon will make a donation of $1 to Women for Women (womenforwomen.org), an award-winning non-profit that provides women survivors of war, civilstrife and other conflicts with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency -

I invite you to click here for more details on Eldon Taylor's offer: http://progressiveawarenesspromotions.com/hayhousepromo/092008/

About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com/
NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com


DebbieMahler said...

Thank you so much for this message today! It was sent to me with you as a messenger! Bless you for allowing yourself to be the messenger! You have no idea how much I needed to read this today. It was an answer to a series of questions I've been asking. Thank you!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Tal
that was woderful
Good job