Dear Tal,
Thank you for sending me all the inspiring information. I am 56 year male in good health. Recently I have discovered so called eye floaters in my eyes (a few) - they are little tiny translucent floating threads or strands that get in the line of my vision. I have seen a number of eye doctors and was told that it is all normal for my age-not much consolation there. I wonder if I use mind powers with affirmations to make them go away, do you think this might work? I was advised not to focus on them when I see them but this ego mind within me can get stubborn and usually will complain that the floaters shouldn't be there in the first place. I'd appreciate your comments on the above.
With regards,
Dear Larry,
Thank you for writing me.
Firstly, let me say that the use of affirmations or visualizations, or any tool we use to support our mind to focus on that which we desire, is an extremely potent practice. Our positive focus, when coupled with a matching feeling vibration, is very much like tuning our personal dial to the field of infinite potentiality or source - from which all consciousness and matter arises – from which non-local energy becomes localized or physical.
That said, although we are powerful CO-creators, we are not the ones who make things happen. Our ego is never really in charge of the show, although it usually likes to think it is.
We create with source (thereby co-creating) by ALLOWING ourselves to ALIGN with it, for it is from source that all consciousness and matter arises.
One of the most potent ways to align with source is to simply get out of our own way. There are many ways of doing this but I have found that any practice that allows you to quiet the incessant chatter of your mind will do the trick.
Find an activity in which you literally lose your ‘self’, or rather your ego ‘self’, for awhile. You may find that physical activity does the trick, or painting, or watching a sunset. These activities take us out of our normal ‘state of being’ and into a somewhat ‘altered’ state of experiencing ourselves and the world. Even daydreaming is a form of an altered state, or shall I say, an alternate state of being. When we immerse ourselves in a practice wherein we literally lose our ego ‘self’ , for that time, we actually allow ourselves to align with the flow of source.
That said, another universal principle is that “what we resist persists”.
So resisting the workings of our ego will not make those ‘egoic’ parts our consciousness go away either. I have found that the best way to dissipate resistance is to cultivate deep listening and curiosity.
From a soul or ‘source’ perspective, each part of our consciousness, including our physical symptoms, are always present for a reason. They have a message, a lesson, an experience, a healing to share with us.
It is thus an effective practice to dialogue with whatever symptoms show up in our lives, be they physical, emotional or otherwise.
Larry, I invite you to cultivate a practice of deeply listening to your current physical symptoms – to your floaters. I invite you to engage in an inner dialogue with them. Rather than trying to make them go away, invite them in for a conversation, as you would a friend you would like to get to know better.
Ask the “floaters” what they would like to share with you? Why they have come to visit you at this time? What is the best way for you to allow and integrate the message or lesson or healing they have come to impart to you? Also, it is ok for you to express your anger or any other feelings that may be present for you. In the same manner, allow the floaters to express their feelings “through you”.
A great way to engage this process is to write out your dialogue in a journal. Allow whatever comes through to come through. Do not judge or censor. Remember, no-one has to read your process except you. It is useful to set an intention to go to the deepest level of healing and clarity that is available for you at this time. You may need to do it in a few sittings.
Engage in this process for the sake of learning and growing. Let go of results. Your job is to fully show up for the process and to surrender any expectations or results to source.
A sample dialogue may read in your journal as follows (You may want to later highlight any epiphanies that come through during the process):
Larry: Floaters, I would like to get to know you better…..I am curious about why you have shown up in my life at this time?
Floaters: I am not sure I trust you enough to share – you have shunned me for so long.
Larry: I am so sorry. I did not know any better at the time. But now I do. I would so like to get to know you better and find out why you have shown up in my life right now?
Floaters: Ok – I guess I am willing to give it a try.
Larry: I am so glad you are. Would you be willing to tell me why you have come into my life right now?
Floaters: Yes – there is something I want you to see that you are not willing to look at or face right now.
Larry: And what might that be?
etc. etc………
Do you see how this may unfold?
I will end off with Rumi‘s poem, “The Guest House”, that so poignantly highlights and speaks to the valuable practice of remaining open and present to all parts of our ‘self’.
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
-- Jalaledin Rumi,
As always, sending you abundant blessings of much love and healing,
About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance -
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Hi Tal,
Wow, I love this article. It was divine timing that I was brought here to read it now. I will start incorporating your suggestions into my own life. Thank you for sharing and I hope it helps Larry too.
Much gratitude,
Hi Tal,
I have floaters too - and yes they can be annoying. I've never thought to have a dialogue with them - I have enough problems communicating with real people:-)
I do agree that when I am engrossed in something I enjoy - yoga, working on my airplane, playing guitar, etc. I don't notice them and may not for days afterwards.
Maybe the floaters are nothing more that a manifestation of not being fully engaged in activities that bring about fufillment. Just a thought.
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