
Call On Your Animal Spirit Guides

I am delighted to share with you a new on-line course from Dr. Steven Farmer and my friends at DailyOM called Animal Spirit Guides. Animal Spirit Guides are spiritual beings that can help us in a life-positive way. You can call on them for guidance, protection, healing, and inspiration. We may see them, hear them, feel them, or just know they're with us, and we can have any number of spirit guides throughout our life whether we’re aware of them or not. Their intention is to help us have a more peaceful, harmonious, and happier life. They are happy to serve and willingly do so whenever called. In this on-line course from bestselling author Dr. Steven Farmer, you will learn 6 key lessons to help bring your Animal Spirit Guides into your daily life.

Click here for your Animal Spirit Guides

We all have an intimate connection with the animal kingdom even though we may not always recognize it. Whether you live in an urban, suburban, or rural area, you're bound to see at least a few animals throughout the day. You may not even notice their presence, but they are there. It's amazing how animals permeate our consciousness and are with us all the time. And with this course, you can bring these Animal Spirit Guides in to your life to help with both emotional and physical healing.

Dr. Steven D. Farmer is the author of the bestselling Animal Spirit Guides, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Sacred Ceremony, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD, and the soon-to-be-released Earth Magic: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Planet (Feb 2009). He’s also host of his own radio show, The Shamanic Hotline on HayHouseRadio.com. Dr. Farmer is a shamanic practitioner, ordained minister, and former psychotherapist, offering workshops on various shamanic topics and private consultations. He makes his home in Laguna Beach, California.

Everyone that enrolls in the course also receives several free gifts including e-books, music, meditations, tele-seminars and more from generous partners (including myself) such as Hay House , Ideal Bite , Lissa Coffey , Eldon Taylor, Edgar Cayce, Sharon Wilson/Coaching From Spirit Institute, Ode , Law of Attraction Network for Women , Jennifer Louden , Rebecca Marina, Jim Donovan , Tom Murasso, Sequoia Records, Dave Stringer , Mary Allen , True Divine Nature, Tal Shai , Apryl Jensen, Yoga Universe, Christina Marino , Wayne Nicholson , Mary O'Malley , Serenity Music, TL Nash , Rev. Kimberly Marooney, Ph.D., Rachel Fleischman/Dancing Your Bliss , Remez Sasson , Chris Cade , Lisa Love, Dudley Evenson, Scott Andrews/AspireNow, Juli Alvarado, Lonna Bartley , Max Highstein , Michelle Morovaty, Personal Life Media. Click here for the free gifts

I hope you enjoy this enlightening course.

Click here for your Animal Spirit Guides

Love and Light-ness,



What's Your New Look For 2009?

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"- Wayne Dyer

Another way of framing this quote is that "the way we look at an issue, IS the issue".

This month I invite you to identify something in your life that you perceive as an issue. Then reframe this issue and see if you can view it with fresh and more compassionate eyes that take into consideration your PROCESS, and not only your GOAL or destination.

For example, if you have set a goal to earn more money in your business and you are not there yet, how about looking at the situation from a process oriented perspective (rather than a goal perspective). In other words, a process oriented approach, takes into account your growth and learning (which is why we are here on this earth -to grow and learn). Ask yourself what you are learning in the process.

In the above case, you may be learning about patience, or about the need to acquire another skill set, or about the importance of working with a team to create more effective results. Then identify one creative action step you will take to set your goal in action (and into the realm of process).

Let me recap:
1. Identify your (perceived) issue.
2. Reframe your issue (ask yourself: "What is my opportunity for learning/growing here?)
3. Take one action step (or more) based on what you identified above.

May 2009 bless you with much learning, growth, abundance, joy and inspiration (...and many more heartfelt goodies).

With Love and Lightness,


About the author: Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com/
NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com