Lynne writes:
Tal, thank you for your 7 week e-course “The 7 Key Questions to Propel You towards the Life of Your Dreams”. I have just received the first lesson and I am feeling stuck. I simply do not have any dreams. In fact, my dream is having dreams. Please help!
Tal answers:
Thank you for your email Lynne (I have changed the name to respect confidentiality). I have worked with several clients who share a similar experience to yours and have thus decided to make my response accessible to all my subscribers.
As I see it, the purpose of having a dream is to bring us closer to living a life that is sourced in our most joyful essence. It is about striving to create opportunities in our life that will most gracefully support us in connecting with our unique gifts and expressing these in every aspect of our lives.
Lynne, if you are already living a life wherein you feel happy, content and joyful then you are already living what so many seek. I invite you to celebrate this and continue to do what you are doing!
That said, another possibility is that at some point in your life you cut yourself off from the joys of dreaming and from believing that your dreams could ever come true.
Most of us are born into this world with a very vivid imagination and a belief in the possible. It is not uncommon for a child to say that she wants to fly to the moon, become a famous actress or campaign for presidency of a country and change the world. A child has not yet learned to limit herself… and so, for her, anything is possible!
As children, however, we may have received the message from our closest environment, from our parents, culture, teachers etc., that what we imagine is not real and has no validity. This cue, whether verbal or not, can potentially cut us off from trusting and believing that the images and visions we hold in our minds are indeed creative seeds infused with the potential of sprouting into our reality.
Perhaps we observed our parents perceive themselves as ‘victims’ and, by default, we too concluded that we are at the mercy of our environment. Perhaps we made a decision to protect ourselves from further disappointment lest our ‘positive thinking’ bring us even more disappointment. Slowly but surely we cut ourselves off from the lush world of our creative imagination.
Gradually, without knowing when or how this process unfolded, we arrived at 'irrational’ conclusions about the very core of our being – about who we are, what we deserve, and what we are capable of achieving. We thus lost trust in the creative and potent faculty of our imagination and shut ourselves off from the very essence that gives our life purpose and vitality.
We probably bought into the belief that our outer circumstances determine who we are and who we shall become, forgetting that co-creation happens from the inside out – that our imagination affects our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and therefore our dreams!
Our imagination connects us with the lush world of our ‘authentic essence’. When we cut ourselves off from this essence we also cease to dream – we cease to connect with our innate knowing that we are indeed potent co-creators and that our dreams are messengers from our ‘authentic essence’ beckoning us to awaken to our own greatness!
That said, as we mature and evolve we need to learn how to tend to our heartfelt dreams so that they do indeed manifest in our lives. We need to learn the laws and processes that govern this realm of “dream-building” so that we don’t remain stuck in a childlike euphoric daydream of “magical thinking”, a state that cannot beckon us to become responsible shepherds of our innermost desires and to master the processes that will indeed deliver to us our most heartfelt dreams! The process of bringing the invisible world of our imagination into our physical reality requires patience, diligence, mastery and an understanding of the laws that govern both the realm of the ‘invisible’ and the ‘visible’ – of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual realities.
(If you have not yet signed up for my FREE e-course “The 7 Key Questions to Propel You towards the Life of Your Dreams”, I invite you to do so… as I introduce some of these tools and strategies to help you jumpstart your dreams! You can sign up on the top right hand corner of this blog!).
But before we jump to the subsequent processes that help our dreams become a reality, we absolutely need to cultivate the initial stage of soaring into the infinite realms of possibility on the wings of our imagination. Our imagination is a potent vehicle that connects us to the vitality and richness of our ‘authentic essence’.
Reigniting a connection with our ‘authentic essence’ can be simple and alot of fun. This process is about reigniting our sense of play and joy simply for the sake of it!
Within each one of us lives a ‘divine child’ - that part of us that absolutely knows how to laugh, play and ‘pretend’ – a part that lives beyond the constraints and limitations of our mind and knows how to delight in the mere joy of living!
When we allow ourselves to re-connect with our ‘divine child’ within, we create an opening to once again experience the joys of ‘losing’ ourselves in the imaginative realm of play – a realm that enables us to fly to the moon, become princesses and wizards, prepare magical potions and sail to faraway shores. It is this same realm that allows us to transport ourselves into the home of our dreams, our ideal relationship or to piano classes we always dreamed of taking. Although this is only one part of the ‘dream-building’ (manifestation) process, it is an extremely potent and important stage that paves the way for all the others.
Here are some ways to connect with your ‘divine child’:
* Dance to your favorite music.
* Buy yourself a set of crayons, color pencils or paints and allow yourself to paint, draw or scribble just for the fun of it! Then don’t show your 'fun-creation' to anyone – just delight in your willingness to have fun.
* Pick out pictures of people, places, things, colors etc. that you like and that make your heart sing! Then create a collage with all these colors and images.
* Go to the beach or a playground and play in the sand for one whole hour.
* Lie on the grass and stare at the sky.
* Put on some boots and jump in the puddles.
* Go outside and smell the flowers in your garden or local park.
* Play at pretend: “I pretend to be the owner of a successful salon…..I love chatting to all these fun people who drop by to get their nails done.....(just let your imagination soar….it does not have to be real…go with what is fun and joyful for you!).
To conclude, I remind you that had Bill Gates not allowed himself to imagine a world of computers and ‘magical’ communication systems (which, at the time, many thought was mere “magical thinking”), you would not be reading this post on my blog today!
May you taste the joys of breathing, eating, dancing, singing, playing and dreaming…. just because you can…just because it’s fun!
About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance -
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