
How To Connect With Your Dreams!

Lynne writes:

Tal, thank you for your 7 week e-course “The 7 Key Questions to Propel You towards the Life of Your Dreams”. I have just received the first lesson and I am feeling stuck. I simply do not have any dreams. In fact, my dream is having dreams. Please help!

Tal answers:

Thank you for your email Lynne (I have changed the name to respect confidentiality). I have worked with several clients who share a similar experience to yours and have thus decided to make my response accessible to all my subscribers.

As I see it, the purpose of having a dream is to bring us closer to living a life that is sourced in our most joyful essence. It is about striving to create opportunities in our life that will most gracefully support us in connecting with our unique gifts and expressing these in every aspect of our lives.

Lynne, if you are already living a life wherein you feel happy, content and joyful then you are already living what so many seek. I invite you to celebrate this and continue to do what you are doing!

That said, another possibility is that at some point in your life you cut yourself off from the joys of dreaming and from believing that your dreams could ever come true.

Most of us are born into this world with a very vivid imagination and a belief in the possible. It is not uncommon for a child to say that she wants to fly to the moon, become a famous actress or campaign for presidency of a country and change the world. A child has not yet learned to limit herself… and so, for her, anything is possible!

As children, however, we may have received the message from our closest environment, from our parents, culture, teachers etc., that what we imagine is not real and has no validity. This cue, whether verbal or not, can potentially cut us off from trusting and believing that the images and visions we hold in our minds are indeed creative seeds infused with the potential of sprouting into our reality.

Perhaps we observed our parents perceive themselves as ‘victims’ and, by default, we too concluded that we are at the mercy of our environment. Perhaps we made a decision to protect ourselves from further disappointment lest our ‘positive thinking’ bring us even more disappointment. Slowly but surely we cut ourselves off from the lush world of our creative imagination.

Gradually, without knowing when or how this process unfolded, we arrived at 'irrational’ conclusions about the very core of our being – about who we are, what we deserve, and what we are capable of achieving. We thus lost trust in the creative and potent faculty of our imagination and shut ourselves off from the very essence that gives our life purpose and vitality.

We probably bought into the belief that our outer circumstances determine who we are and who we shall become, forgetting that co-creation happens from the inside out – that our imagination affects our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and therefore our dreams!

Our imagination connects us with the lush world of our ‘authentic essence’. When we cut ourselves off from this essence we also cease to dream – we cease to connect with our innate knowing that we are indeed potent co-creators and that our dreams are messengers from our ‘authentic essence’ beckoning us to awaken to our own greatness!

That said, as we mature and evolve we need to learn how to tend to our heartfelt dreams so that they do indeed manifest in our lives. We need to learn the laws and processes that govern this realm of “dream-building” so that we don’t remain stuck in a childlike euphoric daydream of “magical thinking”, a state that cannot beckon us to become responsible shepherds of our innermost desires and to master the processes that will indeed deliver to us our most heartfelt dreams! The process of bringing the invisible world of our imagination into our physical reality requires patience, diligence, mastery and an understanding of the laws that govern both the realm of the ‘invisible’ and the ‘visible’ – of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual realities.

(If you have not yet signed up for my FREE e-course “The 7 Key Questions to Propel You towards the Life of Your Dreams”, I invite you to do so… as I introduce some of these tools and strategies to help you jumpstart your dreams! You can sign up on the top right hand corner of this blog!).

But before we jump to the subsequent processes that help our dreams become a reality, we absolutely need to cultivate the initial stage of soaring into the infinite realms of possibility on the wings of our imagination. Our imagination is a potent vehicle that connects us to the vitality and richness of our ‘authentic essence’.

Reigniting a connection with our ‘authentic essence’ can be simple and alot of fun. This process is about reigniting our sense of play and joy simply for the sake of it!

Within each one of us lives a ‘divine child’ - that part of us that absolutely knows how to laugh, play and ‘pretend’ – a part that lives beyond the constraints and limitations of our mind and knows how to delight in the mere joy of living!

When we allow ourselves to re-connect with our ‘divine child’ within, we create an opening to once again experience the joys of ‘losing’ ourselves in the imaginative realm of play – a realm that enables us to fly to the moon, become princesses and wizards, prepare magical potions and sail to faraway shores. It is this same realm that allows us to transport ourselves into the home of our dreams, our ideal relationship or to piano classes we always dreamed of taking. Although this is only one part of the ‘dream-building’ (manifestation) process, it is an extremely potent and important stage that paves the way for all the others.

Here are some ways to connect with your ‘divine child’:

* Dance to your favorite music.

* Buy yourself a set of crayons, color pencils or paints and allow yourself to
paint, draw or scribble just for the fun of it! Then don’t show your 'fun-creation' to anyone – just delight in your willingness to have fun.
* Pick out pictures of people, places, things, colors etc. that you like and that make your heart sing! Then create a collage with all these colors and images.
* Go to the beach or a playground and play in the sand for one whole hour.
* Lie on the grass and stare at the sky.
* Put on some boots and jump in the puddles.
* Go outside and smell the flowers in your garden or local park.
* Play at pretend: “I pretend to be the owner of a successful salon…..I love chatting to all these fun people who drop by to get their nails done.....(just let your imagination soar….it does not have to be real…go with what is fun and joyful for you!).

To conclude, I remind you that had Bill Gates not allowed himself to imagine a world of computers and ‘magical’ communication systems (which, at the time, many thought was mere “magical thinking”), you would not be reading this post on my blog today!

May you taste the joys of breathing, eating, dancing, singing, playing and dreaming…. just because you can…just because it’s fun!

About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com/

NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com


Holistic View on Weight Loss - BONUS AUDIO!

Listen to Heather Piken interview me on:

**understanding our holistic nature as a premise to releasing excess weight.

**how to use the power of your intention to boost weight loss.

Although this interview was recorded for Heather's site-members only, she kindly made it available to my subscribers as well!

Click here to access the BONUS AUDIO!

Be sure to check out Heather's site as well at:
Fat Loss For Women


Ready to Launch Your Big Dreams?

You are your own Big Dream Guru!

You are welcome to share this video clip with your friends. Simply cut and paste the following link and send it to them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS9bLc69PpM

About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com/intuition_heart_cards.htm



"Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." - Florence Scovel Shinn

Intuition is a sudden epiphany, an internal knowing, a glimpse or vision of a deep inner truth , a sensation that runs through our body telling us that something is or isn’t right even though our mind or rationale may suggest otherwise.

Intuition is a sixth sense. It is an experience and a deep knowing that transcends our five senses and informs us of the many energetic realms that exist and affect us at all times.

Our intuition is our most accurate inner radar system. It continually scans our inner and outer environments, sending back messages that inform us of that which simultaneously takes place on ALL levels of our consciousness. It is that part of us that can instantly make sense of the billions of informational bits that continually flow within us and all around us. It filters this information and relays back to us the core essence of the energetic dynamics at play in any given situation.

As human beings, we are blessed to be wired with this potent 'inner software' that is able to scan, assess, make sense of, and ultimately extract the 'bottom line' of any situation, issue or dynamic we may be facing!

Most of us are walking around with this potent and highly valuable piece of 'software' already intact, yet we often have no clue how to use it!

Can you imagine walking through life with the ability, skills and tools to instantly tap into a limitless source of guidance and wisdom?
Can you imagine having the answers to your most perplexing questions already within you and receiving clarity and direction about any issue or situation you may be grappling with?

In my own life, I have found that cultivating a strong and consistent relationship with my intuition has allowed me to take greater risks, live more fully and stay centered amidst the ebb and flow of my life's journey! I have a profound knowing that my inner guidance is always informing me of my current bearings as they relate to my highest intentions and aspirations and accurately sends me corrective feedback when I stray off course or 'betray' the integrity of my heart.

There is no limit to the clarity and guidance that is available to each and every one of us! When we learn to tap our inner guidance, we no longer need to second guess ourselves and what we already know at our deepest core - we no longer need to look outside ourselves for the answers we seek. We are able to make decisions based on an accurate guidance system that always has our highest good in mind. Awakening to this experience can be truly transformational and utterly profound.
Wouldn't life be so much easier to navigate if we learned to tap into this limitless source of wisdom whenever we needed it?

Although we are all wired to have access to this potent inner guidance system, we have not all fully cultivated the connection needed to consistently and accurately access this infinite reservoir of wisdom.

This is where the Intuition Heart Cards come in...

I created the Intuition Heart Cards in response to my own deep inquiry about the holographic nature of relationships. I used them as a tool to support me in exploring and healing the inner dynamics that were at play in my life at the time. I was interested in exploring the inner dynamics that were attracting to me the kind of relationships that were not aligned with what I truly wanted to experience in my life.
I knew that in order to create new experiences, ones that were more aligned with my emerging sense of Self, I first needed to become conscious of the subconscious inner dynamics that had navigated my relational experiences up to that point.

In the process, I was awakening to the knowledge that any relationship in my life was encoded with a blueprint that pertained to ALL my relationships. I was awakening to the knowledge that the way I related to various aspects of myself (inner self) was reflected in my relationships with every 'other'. My 'blueprint of relating' received expression in the way I related to my family, my friends, my partnerships, my body, my physical environment, my higher self as well as Infinite Source or God. It permeated every relationship and expressed through every-thing! I realized that when my inner relational blueprint changed, so would my relationships!

The above excerpt was taken from Tal's Intuition Heart Card Guidebook that accompanies the cards. To learn more about the Intuition Heart Cards you can visit http://www.talshai.com/intuition_heart_cards.htm

About the author: Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - www.talshai.com .
Note: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com I invite you to visit my website at www.talshai.com


Dear Tal! How can I find the happiness I desire...and more?

Firstly, to all my newsletter subscribers, thank you for all your emails. I feel honored to be walking this journey with you! (If you have not yet subscribed to my FREE E-COURSE and NEWSLETTER you can do so by filling in your name and email on the right hand side of this blog - it is 100% SPAM FREE and you can always unsubscribe at any time!).

Today I have decided to share a letter that was recently emailed me. I feel that the questions raised pertain to many of us and I would therefore like to address them on this forum in the hopes that they may benefit others as well. *I have changed the names of all concerned to keep their identity anonymous.*


Dear Tal,

Back in 2000 I was working with John (name of facilitator has been changed to keep his anonymity) doing hypnosis and NLP to help people with their "problems"... at that time I had what I now know to be "spiritual experiences"... since I was unable to create a business of what I knew, these experiences went dormant until I was at a John's "manifestation" workshop about 18 months ago... after a few questions which I felt represented me and several others, John asked me to get on this "Journey" and take his courses and read from the reading list... well I have taken all his classes and read several books and had many different experiences, break-throughs, "spiritual" awakenings, and some "unusual" events... while I am learning alot I am fighting a battle personally...

1)Why am I able to help others and not myself?

Tal answers: Paul, I know from my own experience how important it is for us practitioners (facilitators / healers / therapists / coaches) to enlist the support of a skilled and trustworthy practitioner ourselves, to help US surface and heal our own 'blind spots'. This allows us to be truly available to support others in their own healing as well as to focus our full attention and energy on OUR BIG DREAMS (rather than expending too much energy festering in our wounds).

I am a true believer in continually healing my own unresolved issues as a premise to supporting others in their own process. In the counseling world, receiving continual support and supervision is not even optional!

I have found that working with a skilled practitioner is highly beneficial and oftentimes essential to explore and release old wounds (emotional charges). A skilled practitioner should be able to hold a safe 'container' or space that will allow you to explore and integrate your process.

Once we release much of the emotional charge around our past wounding, it is easier to focus our attention and feelings on that which we really DO want to manifest.

You see, we need to FEEL AND THINK what we DO want in order to magnetize it into our lives. However, when we walk around with 'open emotional wounds' and do our positive affirmations or visualizations, we may bypass or 'de-press' any emotional wounding that may surface in the process. I call this a 'spiritual bypass'. It is like imagining oneself in Arizona without really having driven the entire path to get there. At some point the illusion will collapse as we have not laid a solid foundation. In other words we have not truly 'done the work' to get there.

I am in no way implying that in order to reach your goals you have to 'work hard', but I am saying that we are holistic beings.... and that we do need to tend to our emotional level as well. At some point our imagination and positive thinking, the mental level, (although extremely potent when paired with other levels) needs to be aligned with our emotional, physical (action) and spiritual levels. This is a truly holistic approach that I have found brings about potent change.

Paul, although there are many ways of supporting your own growth and healing (I will be sharing many of these in my upcoming book) , it is always wise to enlist the support of an-other!

2) How can I find the happiness I desire so I can become the person others would want to follow?

Tal answers: I have found that happiness is not something we look for and not something that is "out there" or out of our reach. Rather, it is about being present with what IS. It is about being grateful for what already exists in our life. Hapinness is a moment- to- moment choice to focus on the beauty and abundance in our lives rather than on the lack.

When we focus on the abundance that already exists in our life, our heart expands...and when our heart is expanded, we feel more alive and at peace with ourselves and the world. I think happiness is A PRACTICE. When we move through our lives with a greater sense of appreciation and reverie for what is, then we cannot help but have an expanded experience of this world.

Happiness is not about feeling jovial all the time but rather it is about embracing the full spectrum of our humanity . It is as much about embracing our sadness, our pain and our 'lows' as it is about celebrating our joys and our 'highs'. I have found that gratitude is a potent key that opens the door to the compassion, love and acceptance that resides within our own hearts.

When we are willing to let go of the judgments we hold about ourselves, others and the world at large and move into a place of gratitude for the many different ways we get to relate to an-other and learn about ourselves and others, we are presented with the opportunity to hold every-thing in the light of our own compassion. This allows us to BE in happiness, touch it and experience it in a very palpable way.

Paul, I have found that when I made the 'integrity of my heart' my highest priority and committed to 'speaking up' and sharing MY truth, others who were seeking that same 'truth' were magnetized to me. On the physical-behavioral level (taking action), it also required that I present my 'truth' in a way that was clear and accessible to others. For that purpose, I created brochures explaining 'my truth and work' and set up a website for people to visit and find out if my 'work' aligned with what they were seeking.

Your job is to get really clear about your mission, your 'truth' and your work. Then present it to others in a way that is accessible to them. Finally, let go and let others decide if you are a good fit for them! When I became really clear about how it is that I wanted to serve others, my business (= the opportunity to serve more people) expanded exponentially! I invite you to do the same.

I re-mind you that no-one else can serve this world in the UNIQUE ways that you can! I absolutely know that there are people out there who are waiting to be supported by YOU!

3) Who can help me find direction/destiny/purpose so I know what I am really doing? or suposed to do?

Tal answers: My own experience of working MY process and facilitating others with THEIR healing and growth, has shown me that we really do have ALL THE ANSWERS WITHIN US! That said, I have also found that most of us often need help recognizing our own blind-spots and ultimately healing them. This is where a skilled facilitator /practitioner comes in. A skilled practitioner will hold a SAFE CONTAINER for you to awaken to your own authentic knowing.

This process often brings up unhealed wounds and memories from the past. I have found that without tending to these unhealed wounds it is difficult (though not impossible) to move forward with our heartfelt dreams. This is because much of our energy (life -force) is sapped by our past wounding/memories (this is mostly subconsious).

There are many techniques to free ourselves from the shackles of our past. It is thus important to find a practitioner that resonates with your deepest intentions for your own growth and healing. Once energy is freed up it is easier to connect with our authentic passions and take inspired action to manifest them in our lives.

In terms of finding a facilitator/practitioner who can truly serve YOU, I suggest you begin by getting really clear about what it is that YOU would like to accomplish. Perhaps you would like to gain more clarity regarding your life purpose and be supported in taking next steps towards manifesting your goal?

Then begin focusing on drawing that 'perfect' person (for you) into your life. You could write down all the qualities in a facilitator that you feel would best serve you. Would you prefer one-on-one sessions or a group setting? Face-to-face or telephone sessions? Perhaps a combination of these would work best for you? Visualize universal support, just like the rays of the sun, shining on you. Then, pair this with ACTION. Ask people for referrals, do some research on the internet and notice if any synchronicities 'fall into your lap'!

4) If some of the people I have crossed paths with are right, how am I to harness these gifts so I can do some good? where do I get training? I guess that letting you know that numerologists, wiccans, reiki healers, and others I have met have wondered why I don't understand the gifts I have and how to use them... If you have some answers, insight, or able to help me understand what I am to do I look forward to our future conversations... John says we are all healers when we let go of our conscious minds and let our unconscious/spiritual power do what is natural in helping others... that the more we learn, the more we can help ourselves remember what we are capable of doing... unfortunately, I don't believe that John can help me reach my full potential because he is a "great actor" who has a vast knowledge in the spiritual/shamanic arena and has built his business in attracting others like myself to him and his "Journey"... and does not know the answers either... if you have read Castenada and understand the difference between looking and "seeing", then you will understand my desire to understand how to "see" and use my "gifts" to do some good... but I have a lot to learn first... I look forward to your response and future conversations... Thank you... Paul

Tal answers: Paul, it seems to me that you have received clear feedback from others that your 'gifts' have served them well. I am a great believer in getting started NOW (rather than trying to understand everything) ! This means that you can already begin serving those people in your closest community with your "gifts"! The universe rewards ACTION. In other words, when you take action, the universe gets that you mean serious business and will begin to support you in ways that you may not be able to fathom from your current perspective.

Begin by taking 'baby steps'. You may want to give away some FREE sessions so that people can get to know you. Perhaps these people will then be willing to give you a testimonial and refer you to a friend. Perhaps it is time to clarify what you do and create a flyer or a website. The point is to get the ball rolling. At some point it will continue to roll on its own and you won't have to expend as much energy as you did at first to keep it going.

This does not mean you cannot get the training you seek WHILE you serve others. To magnetize the perfect facilitator or school, use the skills you already have (many of which John teaches) to set a clear intention and get really clear about the type of training that will best support you reach a higher level of mastery and harness your gifts more skillfully!

P.S.I remind you to ALWAYS 'check inside' with your own inner guidance to see if all the above resonates with you!

Sending you blessings of abundance , happiness and much joy!



About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance -
www.talshai.com .

NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to


Looking in the Universal Mirror.

I invite you to entertain the possibility that everything we experience in our 'outer world' is a reflection of that which resides in our 'inner world' - in our psyche.

In essence, we can liken the universe to a MIRROR that constantly reflects and informs us of that which we hold in our own consciousness.

The process of experiencing our own reflection provides us with the opportunity to get really clear about what we want or do not want to experience in our lives. It allows us to become aware of those inner dynamics that are not aligned with our conscious desires and aspirations.

However, once we recognize what we don't want, it is crucial that we understand and put into pratice the universal principles of manifestation. If we don't, we may find ourselves recreating those very experiences that we no longer desire.

One of the most fundamental universal principles is the 'law of resonance'. This principle is founded in quantum physics and suggests that 'like attracts like'.

Let me clarify...

On a quantum level, everything is energy, therefore, people, places and things of like vibration or energy will be attracted to each other. This is how 'synchronicity' occurs. You begin to attune your energy (through thought and feeling) to a certain vibration, and then 'things' of like vibration or resonance are 'magically' magnetized into your experience.

Are you familiar with such adages as "birds of a feather flock together" or "when it rains it pours" or "the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer". According to the "law of resonance" these adages hold much truth!

You attract what you ARE and not necessarily what you want. So if part of your BIG DREAM includes attracting more love into your life, begin by opening your heart to your own loving. Share that love with those parts of yourself that are angry or hurt and then expand that love to include others. When you resonate loving, more love will be magnetized to you!

To begin changing your outer reality you must first focus on shifting your inner reality!

Then look in the Universal Mirror and observe your reflection!


I remind you to be gentle with your process. This process is not about judging yourself or your current life circumstances. Looking in the universal mirror is about becoming informed of things as they are right now. It is about receiving feedback from the universe and becoming aware of where you are in relation to what you desire. It is an opportunity for you to gently realign your thoughts and feelings - to realign your"inner reality" with the Big Dreams you hold for yourself!

About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com/

NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com

I invite you to hop over to my website at www.talshai.com


Intuition Heart Cards - Watch This Video Clip

This month I invite you to LISTEN to your big dreams.

Listening to your inner guidance is the first and most crucial step on the journey towards aligning with YOUR big dreams!

To find out how you can strengthen YOUR relationship with your inner guidance, be sure to watch the following video clip and then check out the Intuition Heart Cards at www.talshai.com.

This is a tool I designed to help you strengthen your intuitive muscles and tap into the wisdom of your own heart. Listening within is the first most crucial step for anyone wanting to manifest a Big Dream. Your inner knowing will be your guide, best friend and most avid supporter in the face of doubt, fear and resistance! When friends and family give us "well-intended" advice that puts a dampener on our Big Dreams, we can always call on our inner wisdom to guide and support us to stay on track with our heartfelt desires! Big Dreamers need to build strong relationships with their own intuition! Our intuition will always give us the most accurate reading when it comes to aligning with our biggest dreams.

Got Big Dreams?

Begin by setting a goal and then listening within to the solid reservoir of infinite wisdom and guidance that is always available to you! The Intuition Heart Cards are designed to support you strengthen the relationship with your inner guidance so that you are well prepared for the journey ahead!

(Excerpts from Tal's interview with Gaye Nelson on "Corners of the Heart" - filmed in Santa Monica, CA. USA 2006)

P.S. Life's many blessings are already available to you in this very moment!

Take a moment (or many moments) to be still and listen to the wondrous desires that are welling up inside you right now. The very fact that you have a desire to fulfill a BIG DREAM means that you are a co-creative being with all the inner resources to manifest your most heartfelt yearnings!

Creating WITH universal flow (= co-creating) is a process. Each moment is part of that process and is worthy of our gratitude and celebration!

Aligning with your big dreams is indeed a process, not an event!

May your days be filled with gratitude and joy as you enjoy the wondrous PROCESS of co-creating the life of your dreams!

About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com

NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com

I invite you to hop over to my website at www.talshai.com



I invite you to entertain the possibility that your biggest dreams seek to express through you as much as you seek to align with them!

Everything is energy and everything resonates at a certain frequency.

When we begin resonating at the same frequency as our big dream, we will begin magnetizing that very dream into our life ... then we will LIVE that dream...and then even bigger dreams will well up inside of us!

You can see how life is a never ending process of growing into that which we authentically desire for ourselves.

Our BIG DREAMS help us grow. They urge us to move towards them. Part of the process of moving towards them includes letting go of those beliefs and behaviors that do not align with their resonance!

It all sounds as simple as 1,2,3. On one level it really is. On another level we need to understand how we, as human beings, are biologically wired to resist change. In other words, in order to create the change that is needed for us to align with our BIG dreams, we first need to learn to break through our most basic human inclination to resist the very change we desire.

Let me be a little more specific here:

In a nutshell, to our subconsious mind, that which is KNOWN is considered SAFE and that which is UNKNOWN is considered DANGEROUS. It is common knowledge that our subconsious mind fuels 80% of the way we function in the world (especially when we are cruising on auto-pilot). When something is considered dangerous (ie. unknown!), our subconsious mind will do everything in its power to keep us from experiencing this danger. This is great and necessary when the danger is real. However, because our BIG DREAM is perceived by our subconscious mind as an unknown, any movement we make towards aligning with it will be perceived as dangerous.

Our subconsious mind serves as our inner thermostat. It will do everything it possibly can to keep things as they are (otherwise also referred to as "homeostasis"). It will trigger our Fight, Fright, Flight response (this is our automatic survival mechanism) as well as other inner aspects, in an attempt to regulate that which is known. (eg. our inner saboteur. You can learn more about this by signing up for your FREE 7 week e-Course " The 7 Key Questions to Propel you towards the Life of Your Dreams" on the top right hand corner of this blog - this is 100% spam free. I will never share your email with anyone and you can unsubscribe anytime!).

Learning to navigate and break through our in-built "resistance factor" is a crucial part of moving towards our dreams.

The very process of raising our resonance to align with our dreams is the GREAT ADVENTURE OF LIFE.

A BIG DREAM will be different for each one of us and will change throughout our lifetime.

Our big dreams will urge us to grow into them... and as WE grow, so will our dreams!

May your days be filled with much joy!

About the author:
Tal Shai, MA (Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Spiritual Psychology) is an Intuitive Life Coach who helps people all over the planet create the life of their dreams. She is the author of the Intuition Heart Cards and Guidebook, an interactive tool designed to support groups and individuals access their inner guidance - http://www.talshai.com

NOTE: You are welcome to use this article in your ezine, newsletter or any other publication as long as it remains complete and unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your 'reprint' to tal@talshai.com

I invite you to visit my website at www.talshai.com